japs unser Urlaub so^^ Sin net alle Bilder dabei (davon abgesehn handelt es sich um hunderte xD) aber so ziemlich viel im überbegriff.. vll kommen au no welche=) war aber voll schön von der Landschaft un alles=) greez<3
By Laura Lewis Brown Whether your child is the next Beyonce or more likely to sing her solos in the shower, she is bound to benefit from some form of music education. Research shows that learning the do-re-mis can help children excel in ways beyond the basic ABCs. More Than Just Music Research has found that learning music facilitates learning other subjects and enhances skills that children inevitably use in other areas. “A music-rich experience for children of singing, listening and moving is really bringing a very serious benefit to children as they progress into more formal learning,” says Mary Luehrisen, executive director of the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation, a not-for-profit association that promotes the benefits of making music. Making music involves more than the voice or fingers playing an instrument; a child learning about music has to tap into multiple skill sets, often simultaneously. For instance, people use the...
An dem Tag hats leider bissl geschifft... Unter anderem hatte au die Steffi Geburtstag (hihi)... Ham dann Interessengruppen gemacht... 1.Gruppe durfte zu "Hause" bleiben un Spiele machen un so... 2.Gruppe sich die Stadt anschaun 3.Gruppe Alpenspitz Wellenbad=) lol un des Wellenbad is echt genial xD Besonders die senkrechte Rutsche^^ Alles in allem war der Tag trotz des Wetter voll schee=) Unser Hof Ja ja immer Fr****e abknalln xD Do Keller bissl unter Wasser Kurz vor Schnee un nach Hagel^^ Trotzdem sin se in Pool^^ auf'm Bild zu sehn Manu, Becks un Samu^^ Bonbon Türmchen^^ PokerAbend bis 1Uhr nachts gelle Ich sag nur "All in" un "hi five" xD
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